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Presentation Builder is a tool that helps you embed Sisense widgets into presentations and update them upon demand with a single click.

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Presentation Builder

A Google Slides add-on that helps you embed Sisense widgets into presentations and easily update them with a single click.

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Presentation Builder

With Presentation Builder you can:

  • Easily add Sisense widgets as images directly from within your presentation.

  • Refresh your presentation with up-to-date data in a single click.

  • Change filters, click refresh, and produce a new presentation to a different client – in a single click.

  • Choose a template from a library of presentation templates and populate them with your Sisense widgets.

  • Create branded, personalized presentations based on individualized needs

  • Reduce presentation building time by 90%

  • Add KPI widgets as simple plain text within text boxes so you can style them the way you want.

  • Easily view and use the underlying data behind your widgets.

  • Resize your images to the specific size you need them to be without stretching them or modifying their size in their source dashboard.

  • Supports Data Security

  • Viewers can define their own report

  • Have our own designers & Sisense experts building your first report for you!

Future Developments:

  • Presentation Builder Email Reports tool which is a service that lets you easily use your Presentations Builder as PDF Email Reports and automatically distribute them to your users.

See it in action:

How Does it Work?

1. Open Presentation Builder Add On:

2. Easily navigate across the dashboards & widgets and choose which to add to your presentation:

3. Indicators can be added as PNG or as plain TXT:

4. Keep editing your presentation:

And now for the really cool stuff 🙂

  • Few hours passed by, data has changed and you want to update your presentation? Simply click on Refresh Data and the results will be updated 🙂

  • Want to generate the same presentation but for a different customer?

  • Want to play with filters and see the results?

5. Change the dashboard filter selection

6. Click on ‘Refresh Data’:

And that’s it 🙂

Need some inspiration? Use our predefined templates library:


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To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data.


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